Watoto 義賣產品

烏干達咖啡豆 250g|Uganda Coffee Bean 250g 


簡介 Introduction:

100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,只選擇成熟的紅色咖啡櫻桃進行手工採摘, 以水洗處理並在陰涼處晾乾。


100% Premium Arabica coffee beans, manually harvesting only the coffee cherries that have fully matured, then wet processed and dried at a cool and shaded area.

Our coffee goes through quality parameters during every procedure. After coffee beans are medium roasted, they are packaged according to the highest standard. Each bag of coffee has a unique rich aroma, with notes of cameral, butter and almonds that bring out a citrusy and sweet aftertaste.

產品詳情 Product Details:


  • 100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆
  • 水洗處理
  • 中度烘焙

重量:250g 一包


  • 100% Premium Arabica Coffee Beans
  • Wet processed
  • Medium roast

Weight: 250g per pack