Watoto 義賣產品

乳木果滋潤護唇膏 | Shea butter lip balm (For Hong Kong Only)


簡介 Introduction:


Our Shea Butter lip balm is made from Ugandan shea butter, purely natural and without preservatives. It moisturises and protects your lips from drying.

產品詳情 Product Details:


主要成份: 乳木果油(烏干達)、天然蜜蠟、精油 (玫瑰或佛手柑)


  • 共有 3 款味道可供選擇 (原味、玫瑰或佛手柑)
  • 滋潤及保護雙唇
  • 香港製造使用烏干達乳木果加工而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑


  • 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用
  • 請放置陰涼乾爽地方, 避免陽光照射
  • 建議先把產品在手背試用。如感不適,請立即尋求醫療協助。

Weight: Approx. 2.5g

Ingredients: Shea butter (from Uganda), Beeswax, Essential oil (Rose or Bergamot)


  • There are three flavors to choose from, Original, Rose or Bergamot
  • Moisturizes and protects lips
  • Made by Ugandan Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives


  • This is an organic product without preservatives, so it is recommended to use it promptly.
  • Kindly keep it stored in a cool place and away from direct sunlight. 
  • It is recommended to try the product on the back of your hand before using it on your lips. If you feel unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately.