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Watoto 產品 Products
簡介 Introduction:
100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,只選擇成熟的紅色咖啡櫻桃進行手工採摘, 以水洗處理並在陰涼處晾乾。
100% Premium Arabica coffee beans, manually harvesting only the coffee cherries that have fully matured, then wet processed and dried at a cool and shaded area.
Our coffee goes through quality parameters during every procedure. After coffee beans are medium roasted, they are packaged according to the highest standard. Each bag of coffee has a unique rich aroma, with notes of cameral, butter and almonds that bring out a citrusy and sweet aftertaste.
產品詳情 Product Details:
- 100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆
- 水洗處理
- 中度烘焙
- 100% Premium Arabica Coffee Beans
- Wet processed
- Medium roast
Portion: Approximately 10 grams of coffee powder per drip bag, Total 5 drip bags per box
Instruction: Each bag is designed for a single serving: you can brew a great cup of coffee by only adding hot water
Remarks: Each gift box includes five coffee drip bags. If the customer does not need a gift box, he or she can make a remark that “No gift box is required”.

簡介 Introduction:
100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆,只選擇成熟的紅色咖啡櫻桃進行手工採摘, 以水洗處理並在陰涼處晾乾。
100% Premium Arabica coffee beans, manually harvesting only the coffee cherries that have fully matured, then wet processed and dried at a cool and shaded area.
Our coffee goes through quality parameters during every procedure. After coffee beans are medium roasted, they are packaged according to the highest standard. Each bag of coffee has a unique rich aroma, with notes of cameral, butter and almonds that bring out a citrusy and sweet aftertaste.
產品詳情 Product Details:
- 100%優質的阿拉比卡咖啡豆
- 水洗處理
- 中度烘焙
重量:250g 一包
- 100% Premium Arabica Coffee Beans
- Wet processed
- Medium roast
Weight: 250g per pack

簡介 Introduction:
Our Shea Butter Soap is made from Ugandan shea butter, purely natural and free of preservatives, providing a complete cleansing for your skin. Shea butter is oil based and mild in nature, helping with absorption and deep moisturising, while also softening the skin, and locking the skin moisture in. Using the Shea Butter Soap moisturises your hand and allows them to glow in vitality.
產品詳情 Product Details:
- 使用烏干達乳木果加工而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑
- 有助深層滋潤及清潔,性質溫和潤滑,提升肌膚柔軟度,鎖水保濕
- 凡購買3件或以上送起泡袋一個
- 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用
- 請保存於陰涼乾燥處。存放於兒童不能觸及之處
- 只供外用。若皮膚較為敏感,可先在小範圍上試用。
- 如不慎入眼,請以大量清水沖洗。如依然不適,請立即尋求醫療協助
- 商品或會於運送過程中有碰撞而產生輕微刮花或凹陷,敬請見諒
Weight: Approx. 100g
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Palm Oil, Rice Bran Oil, White Oil, Water
- Made from Uganda Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives
- Helps with deep moisturising and cleansing while holding moisture
- Get a soap foaming net for every purchase of 3 pieces or more
- This is an organic product without preservatives, so it is recommended to use it as soon as possible
- Please store it in a cool place and avoid sunlight. Store out of reach of children
- For external use only. If you have sensitive skin, please try applying on a small area first
- If it gets in your eyes, please rinse with plenty of water. If you still feel unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately
- The goods may collide during transportation and cause slight scratches or dents. Thank you for your understanding
簡介 Introduction:
Shea Butter Soap is made by Uganda Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives. Embedded with the soap, our pink clay powder helps to soften skin keratin, allowing for further deep moisturising and cleansing of the skin. Give your skin a new energetic, refreshed by using our Shea Butter Soap.
產品詳情 Product Details:
成份: 乳木果油(烏干達)、椰子油、棕櫚油、米糠油、白油、水、粉紅礦物泥
- 使用烏干達乳木果加工而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑
- 天然粉紅礦物泥有助去軟化肌膚角質,深層滋潤及清潔,性質溫和潤滑
- 提升肌膚柔軟,鎖水保濕
- 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用 – 請保存於陰涼乾燥處。存放於兒童不能觸及之處
- 只供外用。若皮膚較為敏感,可先在小範圍上試用
- 如不慎入眼,請以大量清水沖洗。如依然不適,請立即尋求醫療協助
- 商品或會於運送過程中有碰撞而產生輕微刮花或凹陷,敬請見諒
Weight: Approx. 100g
Ingredients: shea butter, coconut oil, palm oil, rice bran oil, white oil, water, pink clay powder
- Made by Uganda Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives
- The pink clay powder helps to soften skin keratin, deep moisturizing and cleansing
- Holds body moisture and enhances skin softness
- Get a soap foaming net for every purchase of 3 pieces or more
- Organic product, no preservatives, recommend to use it soon
- Please store it in a cool place and avoid sunlight. Store out of reach of children
- For external use only. if you have sensitive skin, please try applying on a small area first
- If it gets in your eyes, please rinse with plenty of water. If you still feel unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately
- The goods may collide during transportation and cause slight scratches or dents. Thank you for your understanding.
#乳木果 #Sheabutter #護膚 #WATOTO #UGANDA #烏干達

簡介 Introduction:
A nourishing skincare product that harnesses the natural goodness of shea butter. This cream provides deep hydration and moisturization for your skin. Enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, it soothes dry, rough, or damaged skin. It is suitable for face, body, and hands, its smooth texture absorbs easily, leaving your skin soft and smooth. Experience the unique benefits of African shea butter and rejuvenate your skin’s health and vitality.
產品詳情 Product Details:
重量: 約90g
成份: 乳木果油
- 烏干達製造,使用烏干達乳木果加工而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑
- 乳木果含有豐富維他命A、D、E、F, 對保濕滋潤功效顯注,特別針對手肘、膝蓋等粗糙位置
- 滋潤及保護肌膚, 敏感肌膚適用
- 消炎,紓緩濕疹及主婦手
- 純天然產品,嬰兒及孕婦均適用
- 輕便易於攜帶, 隨時使用
保質期 : 1年 (需要冷藏)
- 請保存於陰涼乾燥處。存放於兒童不能觸及之處。
- 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用
- 只供外用。如不慎入眼,請以大量清水沖洗。如依然不適,請立即尋求醫療協助。
Weight: Approx. 90g
Ingredients: Shea butter
- Made in Uganda, from Ugandan Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives
- Shea butter contains vitamins A, D, E and F, great for moisturising, especially for rough places such as elbows and knees
- Anti-inflammatory, relieve eczema and housewife hands
- Pure natural product, suitable for babies and pregnant women
- Lightweight and easy to carry, use anytime
Best Before: 1 Year (Refrigerate)
- Please keep in a cool and dry place. Store out of reach of children.
- This is an organic product without preservatives, so it is recommended to use it as soon as possible.
- For external use only. If it gets in your eyes, please rinse with plenty of water. If you still feel unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately.

簡介 Introduction:
Our Shea Butter Cream is made from Ugandan shea butter, purely natural and free of preservatives, providing a complete cleansing for your skin. Shea butter is oil based and mild in nature, helping with absorption and deep moisturising, while also softening the skin, and locking the skin moisture in. Using the Shea Butter Cream moisturises your hand and allows them to glow in vitality.
產品詳情 Product Details:
- 使用烏干達乳木果製作而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑
- 有助深層滋潤,性質溫和潤滑 –
- 提升肌膚柔軟,鎖水保濕
- 瓶蓋開合方便,易於儲存
- 瓶內有膠蓋確保衛生及防漏,並附送小匙方便取用潤膚膏
- 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用
- 香味為純天然,沒有加入人造香料
- 請保存於陰涼乾燥處。存放於兒童不能觸及之處
- 只供外用。若皮膚較為敏感,可先在小範圍上試用
- 如不慎入眼,請以大量清水沖洗。如依然不適,請立即尋求醫療協助
Weight: Approx. 90g
Ingredients: Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil
- Made by Uganda Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives
- The scent is pure and natural, no artificial fragrance is added
- Holds body moisture and enhances skin softness
- The cap of the container is easy to open and storage
- A plastic cap is present in the bottle to ensure hygiene and prevent leaks, and a small spoon is included for convenient access to the moisturizer.
- This is an organic product without preservatives, so it is recommended to use it as soon as possible.
- Keep it stored in a cool place and away from direct sunlight. Please ensure it is out of the reach of children.
- This product is for external use only. If you have sensitive skin, it is advised to perform a patch test on a small area before full application.
- In case of contact with eyes, please rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. If any discomfort persists, please seek immediate medical assistance.
簡介 Introduction:
Our Shea Butter lip balm is made from Ugandan shea butter, purely natural and without preservatives. It moisturises and protects your lips from drying.
產品詳情 Product Details:
主要成份: 乳木果油(烏干達)、天然蜜蠟、精油 (玫瑰或佛手柑)
- 共有 3 款味道可供選擇 (原味、玫瑰或佛手柑)
- 滋潤及保護雙唇
- 香港製造,使用烏干達乳木果加工而成,純天然製作,不含防腐劑
- 純天然製作,不含防腐劑,建議盡快使用
- 請放置陰涼乾爽地方, 避免陽光照射
- 建議先把產品在手背試用。如感不適,請立即尋求醫療協助。
Weight: Approx. 2.5g
Ingredients: Shea butter (from Uganda), Beeswax, Essential oil (Rose or Bergamot)
- There are three flavors to choose from, Original, Rose or Bergamot
- Moisturizes and protects lips
- Made by Ugandan Shea Butter, purely natural and free of preservatives
- This is an organic product without preservatives, so it is recommended to use it promptly.
- Kindly keep it stored in a cool place and away from direct sunlight.
- It is recommended to try the product on the back of your hand before using it on your lips. If you feel unwell, please seek medical assistance immediately.

簡介 Introduction:
花布錢包由非洲烏干達的婦女人手製成,採用非洲特色花布製作。「Watoto 社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足。每款產品所採用的布料皆裁剪自一塊無限延續的花布,花布的圖案分佈因此各有不同,您買下的產品亦將自成一格,獨屬於您。
The wallet is made manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. “Watoto Neighbourhood” aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. It makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料: 非洲花布
尺寸: 約 10.5 (W) x 14 (L) cm
特色: 由烏干達「Watoto 社區發展計劃」婦女手工製作,手工製作,少量生產
注意事項: 由於商品全是人手製作,長度有機會有1~2cm誤差。商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二。感謝您的理解。
Materials: African fabric
Size: Approx. 10.5 (W) x 14 (L) cm
Features: Handmade by vulnerable women in “Watoto Neighbourhood” programme in Uganda
Notes: Products are all handmade, the size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind. Thank you for your understanding.

簡介 Introduction:
Kigozi 十字架吊墜頸鏈以釘子做成一個圈,圍繞著十字架,紀念耶穌為世人受的苦。男女皆適合配戴。
The Handcraft Kigozi Cross Necklace bends a nail into a circle to surround a cross, to remember Jesus’s suffering for the world. Unisex accessory.
產品詳情 Product Details:
頸繩長度: 約40 ~ 80 cm (可調較)
頸繩顏色: 啡 或 黑
吊飾尺寸: 約2.2(W) x 2.3 (H) cm
- 以釘子做成一個圈圍著十字架,讓人記念耶穌為世人釘身在十字架上
- 男女皆適合配帶,頸繩可調較
- 商品照片顏色會因每個螢幕顯示有些許落差,以實際商品為準
- 由於商品全是人手製作,繩的長度有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Copper pendant, Velvet cord
Product Details:
Necklace length: about 40 ~ 80cm (adjustable)
Necklace colour: brown or black
Pendant size: 2.2(W) x 2.3 (H) cm
Made in Uganda
- Uses a nail as a circle to surround the cross, to commemorate how Jesus saved each and every one of us on the cross
- Unisex accessory, adjustable necklace length
- Due to differences in computer monitor settings, the colours on screen may vary slightly from the actual product.
- Since the products are all handmade, the length of the necklace may have an approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding.

簡介 Introduction:
The horn necklace, composed of plastic beads and a cow horn, is manually shaped and polished by women from Uganda, Africa in accordance to their sense of fashion. Every necklace is a unique product with varying lengths, hues and textures that you can admire, allowing for diverse outlooks when paired with different kinds of clothing.
產品詳情 Product Details:
尺寸:約46 (L)cm
吊飾尺寸:約5.5 (L)cm
– 每個吊飾的顏色深淺/紋理都不一樣,每一件完成品都是獨一無二的
– 由於商品全是人手製作,長度有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Material: plastic beads, cow horn
Size: Approx. 46 (L)cm
Pendant size: Approx. 5.5 (L)cm
– The color shade/texture of each pendant may vary slightly, they are all unique
– Products are all handmade, the length of the necklace may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding
簡介 Introduction:
The horn necklace, composed of plastic beads and a cow horn, is manually shaped and polished by women from Uganda, Africa in accordance to their sense of fashion. Every necklace is a unique product with varying lengths, hues and textures that you can admire, allowing for diverse outlooks when paired with different kinds of clothing.
產品詳情 Product Details:
尺寸:約46 (L)cm
吊飾尺寸:約5.5 (L)cm
- 每個吊飾的顏色深淺/紋理都不一樣,每一件完成品都是獨一無二的
- 由於商品全是人手製作,長度有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Material: plastic beads, horn
Size: Approx. 46 (L)cm
Pendant size: Approx. 5.5 (L)cm
- The color shade/texture of each pendant may vary slightly, they are all unique
- Products are all handmade, the length of the necklace may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding

簡介 Introduction:
The elephant doll is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. The doll makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region, and can be differentiated into four variations including yellow, blue, black with red and red with white. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 棉
尺寸:約15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W) cm
- 用非洲特色花布全人手製作
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,動物形態略有不同屬正常情況,尺寸亦有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Materials: African Fabric, Cotton
Size: 15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W)cm
- The product all handmade by our women in Watoto “Neighbourhood” training program.
- “Neighbourhood” program aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.
- Due to differences in monitors settings and the nature of the canvas material and ink, the colors on the screen may very slightly from the actual printed product
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Products are all handmade, the position of the animal doll will be different and unique, The size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding

簡介 Introduction:
The elephant doll is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. The doll makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region, and can be differentiated into four variations including yellow, blue, black with red and red with white. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 棉
尺寸:約15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W) cm
- 用非洲特色花布全人手製作
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感。
- 商品照片顏色會因每個螢幕顯示有些許落差,以實際商品為準
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,動物形態略有不同屬正常情況,尺寸亦有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Materials: African fabric, Cotton
Size: 15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W) cm
- The product all handmade by our women in Watoto “Neighbourhood” training program
- “Neighbourhood” program aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction
- Due to differences in monitors settings and the nature of the canvas material and ink, the colors on the screen may very slightly from the actual printed product
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Products are all handmade, the size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding
簡介 Introduction:
The elephant doll is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. The doll makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region, and can be differentiated into four variations including yellow, blue, black with red and red with white. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 棉
尺寸:約15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W)cm
- 用非洲特色花布全人手製作
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感
- 商品照片顏色會因每個螢幕顯示有些許落差,以實際商品為準
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,動物形態略有不同屬正常情況,尺寸亦有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解
Materials: African Fabric, Cotton
Size: 15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W)cm
- The product all handmade by our women in Watoto “Neighbourhood” training program.
- “Neighbourhood” program aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Products are all handmade, the position of the animal doll will be different and unique, The size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding.

簡介 Introduction:
The elephant doll is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. The doll makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region, and can be differentiated into four variations including yellow, blue, black with red and red with white. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 棉
尺寸: 約15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W)cm
- 用非洲特色花布全人手製作
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感。
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,動物形態略有不同屬正常情況,尺寸亦有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解。
Materials: African Fabric, Cotton
Size: 15(L) x 15(H) x 8(W)cm
- The product all handmade by our women in Watoto “Neighbourhood” training program
- “Neighbourhood” program aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Products are all handmade, the position of the animal doll will be different and unique, The size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding

簡介 Introduction:
The giraffe doll is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. The doll makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region, and can be differentiated into four variations including yellow, blue, black with red and red with white. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 棉
尺寸:約8(L) x 6(W) x 27(H)cm
- 用非洲特色花布全人手製作
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感。
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,動物形態略有不同屬正常情況,尺寸亦有機會有1~2cm誤差,感謝您的理解。
Materials: African fabric, Cotton
Size: Approx. 8(L) x 6(W) x 27(H)cm
- The product all handmade by our women in Watoto “Neighbourhood” training program.
- “Neighbourhood” program aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Products are all handmade, the position of the animal doll will be different and unique, The size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding

簡介 Introduction:
The full zip hoddie, made of 100% cotton, offers you warmth and comfort while remaining an exquisite smoothness and breathability. On the back of the hoodie is the map of Africa, composed of the name of cities that Watoto Children’s Choir been to since 2006. With its stylistic and sophisticated design, we ensure you that you will have a unique dressing experience.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料: 100%棉
尺碼: XS, S, M, L XL, XXL
尺寸 (unisex): 詳見尺碼表
Material: 100% cotton
Size: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL
Size Guide (Unisex): please see the size chart
*The above size chart is for reference only
*Product size is the size of the product’s actual measurement, there may be around 1 cm deviation

簡介 Introduction:
花布零錢包由非洲烏干達的婦女人手製成,採用非洲特色花布製作。「Watoto 社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感。每款產品所採用的布料皆裁剪自一塊無限延續的花布,花布的圖案分佈因此各有不同,您買下的產品亦將自成一格,獨屬於您。
The coin bag is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. “Watoto Neighbourhood” aims to empower women to create their future by their hands, so that they’re able to provide their family. Every product that they’ve made included a tag with their name. It’s because we want to give them back the credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction. It makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料: 非洲花布
尺寸: 約 9 (W) x 12.5 (L) cm
- 由烏干達「Watoto 社區發展計劃」婦女手工製作
- 手工製作,少量生產
Materials: African fabric
Size: Approx. 9 (W) x 12.5 (L) cm
- Handmade by vulnerable women in “Watoto Neighbourhood” programme in Uganda
- Handmade, limited edition
Remarks: Products are all handmade, the size of the product may have approximately 1~2cm difference. The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind. Thank you for your understanding.

簡介 Introduction:
The rubber band is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. It makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料:非洲花布, 橡筋
尺寸:橡筋直徑約 5 cm
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。
- 以不同款式的非洲花布做成花的形態,每條橡筋上的花朵形態都是獨一無二。
- 手工製作,每件產品均以人手少量生產。
注意事項:商品將隨機出貨,如未能接受請慎重下單。 由於商品全是人手製作,花的形態或許會與圖片有所不同,感謝您的理解。商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每個皆獨一無二。
Materials: African fabric, rubber band
Size: Diameter approx. 5 cm
- The rubber band features a flower which is made of colourful African fabric.
- Due to the handmade nature of our products, they are limited editions.
- The pattern and shape of each flower are unique
Remarks: A random colour will be delivered. The pattern and shape of handmade products may be different from the picture shown on the website. Since the products are made of various African pattern cloth, the patterns of each item will be slightly different, and each of them is unique. Thank you for your understanding.

簡介 Introduction:
The umbrella sheath is designed bespoke for folding umbrellas. By incorporating a waterproof zipper and a U-shaped bottom leak-proof design, the umbrella sheath ensures that water on the umbrella stays in the sheath without leaking out. Besides, the small volume of the sheath paired with its hiking buckle and snap button hand strap makes it extremely easy to store. It is truly a must-buy for going outdoors when it is rainy.
產品詳情 Product Details:
尺寸: 約 3(H) x 11.5(W) x 29.5(H)cm (可收納26cm 或以下的摺疊傘)
- 使用軟身防水拉鏈,配合U型底部防漏設計
- 雨傘套體積細小、輕巧便攜,可放入手袋或掛在肩帶上
- 配置行山扣,方便掛袋或掛於身上
- 配合啪鈕手帶,輕鬆摺疊收藏
Exterior Material : Waterproof polyester fabric
Interior Material: Microfiber
Size: Approx. 3(H) x 11.5(W) x 29.5(H)cm (accommodate folding umbrellas of 26cm or below)
Weight: around 200g
- Waterproof zipper with U-shaped bottom leak-proof design
- The size of the umbrella sheath is small enough to put in handbags or backpacks, easy to bring it with you –
- Equipped with hiking buckle, easy to hang on bags or hang on body
- With snap button hand strap, easily fold and put in bags
簡介 Introduction:
非洲花布Bow Tie及袋巾套裝,由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作,以不同款色的非洲花布做成Bow Tie和袋巾,每套的圖案都是獨一無二。
The Bow Tie and Pocket Square Sets are handmade by women in Watoto Neighbourhood in Uganda, using different patterns of floral fabric to be made into bow ties and pock squares, with the pattern of each set being unique to each other.
產品詳情 Product Details:
物料: 非洲花布
- 袋巾尺寸約 9.5 (W) x 14 (L) cm
- Bow Tie連頸帶尺寸約7 (W) x 36 (L) cm
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感。
- 以不同款色的非洲花布做成Bow Tie和袋巾
- 手工製作,少量生產
- 每套Bow Tie及袋巾的圖案都是獨一無二
- 商品為套裝售賣
- 商品照片顏色會因每個螢幕顯示有些許落差,以實際商品為準
- 由於商品全是人手製作,Bow Tie的形態或許會與圖片有所不同,感謝您的理解
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
Material: African floral fabric
Product Details:
- Bow Tie with neck strap size: Approx. 7 (W) x 36 (L) cm
- Pocket Square size: Approx. 9.5 (W) x 14 (L) cm
Made in Uganda
- Made by women in Watoto Neighbourhood in Uganda. Neighbourhood aims to empower women to create their future with their own hands, so that they’re able to provide for their family. Every product that they’ve made includes a tag with their name in order to give them back their credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.
- Made from multi-coloured African floral fabric, a set includes adjustable bow tie with a matching pocket square.
- Handmade, limited edition
- The pattern of each set of bow tie and pocket square is unique
- This product is only sold in sets.
- Due to differences in monitors, the colours on the screen may vary slightly from the actual product
- Since the products are all handmade, the pattern and shape may be different from the picture showed on the website. Thank you for your understanding.
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.

簡介 Introduction:
Nabatanzi 鈄孭袋以非洲花布和帆布人手做成,大小足以擺放日常所需。
Our Nabatanzi Purse is handmade from African floral fabric and canvas, and is large enough to put daily necessities.
產品詳情 Product Details:
產品尺寸:約22(W) x 13.5(H) x 1(D)cm
- 由烏干達WATOTO社區發展計劃婦女手工製作。 「社區發展計劃」幫助婦女以雙手創造未來,帶給家人溫暖和飽足,每一件她們縫製的產品都印有她們的名字,除了讓人知道誰是這些手工藝品的製造者,也希望建立她們的自信和滿足感
- 袋足以擺放手提電詰, 各式卡片、鈔票與零錢等隨身小物
- 商品均從一塊無限連續的布花裁切,所以每項商品圖案分佈均會不同,每個皆獨一無二
- 由於商品全是人手製作,尺寸有機會有1~2cm誤差
Materials: African floral fabric, canvas
Product size: Approx. 22 (W) x 13.5 (H) x 1 (D) cm
Inner bag: Interlayer with 4 small inner bags
- Made by women in Watoto Neighbourhood in Uganda. Neighbourhood aims to empower women to create their future with their own hands, so that they’re able to provide for their family. Every product that they’ve made includes a tag with their name in order to give them back their credit and also to build up their confidence and satisfaction.
- The bag is large enough to hold a phone, cards, banknotes, and other small objects.
- Due to differences in monitors, the colours on the screen may vary slightly from the actual product
- The products featured are crafted using African patterned cloth, resulting in a unique pattern distribution for each item. Due to the nature of the fabric, the pattern placement may vary, ensuring that each product is truly one-of-a-kind.
- Since the products are all handmade, the length of the product may have an approximately 1~2cm difference. Thank you for your understanding.