The rubber band is manufactured manually by the hands of vulnerable women in Uganda. It makes use of African fabric, a style of fabric unique to the region. All pieces of fabric used for the products are cut out randomly, resulting in variations in pattern distribution. Your product will hence be unique to you in design.
物料:非洲花布, 橡筋
尺寸:橡筋直徑約 5 cm
注意事項:商品將隨機出貨,如未能接受請慎重下單。 由於商品全是人手製作,花的形態或許會與圖片有所不同,感謝您的理解。商品均從一塊無限連續的花布裁切而成,所以每個皆獨一無二。
Materials: African fabric, rubber band
Size: Diameter approx. 5 cm
Remarks: A random colour will be delivered. The pattern and shape of handmade products may be different from the picture shown on the website. Since the products are made of various African pattern cloth, the patterns of each item will be slightly different, and each of them is unique. Thank you for your understanding.